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河南娲皇防水公司 业务热线:0371-67511969 13273022968 欢迎新老朋友垂询惠顾!
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        “自然•人•自然”,这是二十一世纪的建筑理念,当今世界,一场规模宏大的非武力的革命也波及到了建筑行业。 “建筑的革命”,一个响亮的口 号被提了出来。
        “材料的创新,建筑的革命”,或者说:“防水材料的创新、建筑防水的革命”。设计院思考创造,建设单位考虑成本,建筑企业要求施工简单 。这些,本公司科研人员早已为您想到,做到。
        本公司经过十年的发展,已成为全国规模最大的防水材料生产基地之一,生产设备先进,工艺精湛。公司聘请北京化工大学和苏州矿院多名 技术材料专家指导工作。同时她同多家设计单位联手,在某些领域为国家和个人节约了大量的财力和物力。在倡导节约能源,低碳发展方面很 好的践行着科学发展观。在创造大量的社会财富的同时公司也在不断的发展壮大和提升社会价值。欢迎新老朋友继续支持关注本公司的发展。

娲皇WH— B型聚脲弹性防水防腐材料(SPUA)


“nature- human –nature” , this in the 21st century building idea, our times, one a large-scale one revolution of military force involve to the
building trade too. " revolution of the building ", a loud slogan has been mentioned.
Talk about building expect, account for building 5% waterproof material.
" innovation of the material, revolution of the building ", in other words: " the innovation of waterproof material, waterproof revolution of
the building ". The designing institute thinks the designing institute creates, the construction unit considers the cost, the building enterprise
requires construction to be simple. These, scientific research personnel of our company have already expected, make sure for you.
Our company undergoes ten years of development, has already become one of the production bases of country's largest waterproof
material, the production equipment is advanced, the craft is consummate. Company engage Beijing University of Chemical Tech. and
Suzhou ore institute many persons of technological material expert guide and work. She and many designing units unite at the same time,
saved a large number of financial resources and material resources in some fields for country and individual. Advocating saving the energy,
the low carbon develops the respect and well fulfils the scientific development view. The company is in constant development and
promoting social value too while creating a large number of wealths of society. Welcome the old and new friend to continue standing to pay
close attention to the development of our company.

The Company produced Wohuang branded products, WH series of new waterproofing materials, main products including:
Wa Huang------Waterproof polymer mortar A
Wa Huang------Flexible waterproof anti-corrosion Polyurea materials B
Wa Huang------Diagenetic waterproof mortar C
Wa Huang------ Deep Penetrating Sealer ImprovementDPSI
Wa Huang------Inorganic composite insulation and waterproof mortar E
Wa Huang------Siliceous dense waterproof material G
Wa Huang -----Cement-based penetrating crystalline waterproof material O

  郑州娲皇建筑防水材料有限公司 地址:郑州市桐柏北路115号 电话:0371-67511969 手机:13273022968
生产基地:河南西华县新区 豫ICP备000000号